Vue 2 NES

Never-Ending Support for Vue 2

At the end of 2023, Vue 2 reached its end of life.

Get Never-Ending Support for Vue 2 and stay on supported, secured Vue 2 for as long as you need -- plus compatibility with essentials like Nuxt, Vuex, Vuetify 2, Vue Router, and BootstrapVue 2.

Vue 2 logo
Vue 2 Sunsets in...
"We have partnered with industry experts to provide Extended LTS for Vue 2. If you expect to be using Vue 2 beyond the EOL date of December 31st, 2023, make sure to plan ahead: Learn more about HeroDevs’ NES (Never-Ending Support) for Vue 2."
Evan You - Creator of Vue

Trusted Team

Core Contributors
To ensure the highest quality of service for Vue 2 NES, we contract with core contributors and maintainers of Vue.js. These experts write code, review and approve pull requests, help us validate issues, and do general consulting for our Vue NES package.
Evan You
Creator of Vue.js & Vite
  • Creator of the JavaScript framework Vue.js and the frontend build tool Vite
  • Active and prolific contributor to Front-End Development
  • Community leader actively engaged with the Vue.js community
Eduardo San Martin Morote
Vue.js Core Team
  • Vue.js Expert Consultant
  • Vue.js trainer and conference keynote speaker
  • Author and core contributor of unplugin-vue-router, vuefire, and more
Sébastien Chopin
CEO at NuxtLabs
  • Author of open source framework Nuxt
  • Vue and Nuxt community advocate and keynote speaker
  • Full-time open source author and contributor


Stay Secure Without Migrating
Do you have SLAs in place that prevent you from shipping unsupported libraries?
Do you have FedRAMP, PCI, HIPAA, or other compliance requirements?

With NES Vue 2, your company can keep running your Vue 2 application with the peace of mind that your software stack is fully supported and secured. No migration necessary.
Continuous Vue source code scanning for vulnerabilities
Our proprietary scanning tools monitor for security vulnerabilities continuously, so you can rest easy knowing your Vue 2 application remains secure
Fixes within 14 days of vulnerability discovery
When we find a vulnerability or incompatibility, we create a fix, test it, and release it within 14 days of discovery
All package data stays in your network
With our on-prem license delivery, you don’t have to worry about any package data leaving your network when you install Vue 2 NES


Maintain Browser Compatibility
With our nightly build and test processes, you'll sleep well knowing that your Vue 2 applications will keep running in the latest versions of all major browsers and alongside other popular open source libraries.
Supported Browsers
Chrome Browser Logo
Google Chrome
Firefox Browser Logo
Mozilla Firefox
Safari Browser Logo
MacOS Safari
Microsoft Edge Browser Logo
Microsoft Edge
Supported Open Source Libraries


Keep support for the libraries you depend on
Vue 2 NES Essentials extends support to popular software packages that depend on Vue 2. With an Essentials subscription, patches to Vue 2 NES are tested for compatibility with these packages. Vulnerabilities or browser incompatibilities discovered in those packages are patched within 14 days.

Vue 2 NES Essentials includes continued support for these libraries:
Talk to Our Experts


Stay compliant with SLAs and Regulations
Do you have an SLA with your clients to not ship unsupported libraries?‍

Do you have FedRAMP, PCI, HIPAA, or other compliance concerns? ‍

Our clients breeze past such concerns
by having Vue 2 NES – a fully supported and secured software library.


Switch in less than 5 minutes
Switching from Vue 2 to Vue 2 NES is done in three easy steps:
Sign up for Vue 2 NES
Configure NPM to use Vue 2 NES
NPM Install and run your tests
After sign up, setup and installation, you should expect to install updates regularly. These updates will contain fixes for security issues and browser compatibility changes.


Ready for Vue 2 NES?


Contact Sales for Pricing

Billed annually. Priced per seat.

4 seats – additional seats available
Continuous vulnerability scanning
Modern browser compatibility
14-day critical path SLA


Contact Sales for Pricing

Billed annually. Priced per seat.

Includes 100 seats
Continuous vulnerability scanning
Modern browser compatibility
14-day critical path SLA
Dedicated account manager


Frequently Asked Questions
Below are common questions our customers have. Of course, we’re happy to meet with you and answer these and other questions you might have.
Why is Vue 2 NES on version 2.8.0?
Does HeroDevs have an SLA for Vue 2 NES?
Where are the HeroDevs team members located?
Which browsers does Vue 2 NES guarantee support for?
Do we need to upgrade to Vue 2.7 before switching to Vue 2 NES?
Leaping over technology stacks in a single bound!

Defeat Your Technical Villains

Whether it's continuous support through our Never-Ending Support (NES) library or our unparalleled professional services to get you migrated and moving forward, HeroDevs is to the rescue!

Contact Us

Got questions about Never-Ending Support for your open source library? Let's talk!

Discuss how HeroDevs NES Products can help you stay secure and compliant

Learn more about how our NES Products can work for you

Get pricing information

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